Our Research

The Miller Lab in the Center for Public Health Genomics at the University of Virginia focuses on integrating large-scale human genetics and genomics datasets with clinically relevant functional models. We employ an array of bioinformatics approaches and phenotypic screens using both genetic and drug perturbations to investigate causal mechanisms at candidate loci.

Our primary goals are to:

  • Understand fundamental vascular biology and disease regulatory mechanisms.
  • Identify new targets or risk factors for complex cardiovascular diseases.
  • Investigate role of candidate genes on vascular wall processes using preclinical and repositioned therapeutics.
Recent Projects

Congrats to Miller Lab members and collaborators on CAC meta-analysis publication in Nature Genetics!

Multi-ancestry genome-wide study identifies effector genes and druggable pathways for coronary artery calcification

Dr. Miller and Dr. van der Laan present in symposium for single-cell and functional genomics of atherosclerosis at Karolinska Institute!

Miller Lab welcomes Dr. Sander van der Laan from UMC Utrecht as a Visiting Professor!

Congrats to Doris Wong on her first author manuscript published in Circ Res!

FHL5 Controls Vascular Disease–Associated Gene Programs in Smooth Muscle Cells

Congrats to Yipei Song on her first author publication in Scientific Reports!

An automatic entropy method to efficiently mask histology whole-slide images

Congrats to Wei Feng Ma for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

Congrats to Doris Wong for successfully defending her PhD thesis!

Miller Lab receives Data Insights award from Chan Zuckerberg Institute to develop MetaPlaq!

MetaPlaq: Integrative Single-Cell Meta-Analysis for Atherosclerosis

Miller Lab receives Notice of Award for new R01 from NHLBI!

Congrats to Adam Turner and Shawn Hu on their publication in Nature Genetics!

Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility profiling highlights regulatory mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk